- 3 -

3dcart live chat

3dcart live chat integration

3dcart live chat module

3dcart live help

- A -

about Provide Support

IconAbout Us | Live Chat, Customer Support Chat | Provide Support
IconAbout Us

about the system

accept call

Accept chat

Accept chat on iPhone

accept chats automatically restriction

accepted chats

account balance

account chat stats

account contact info

account customization

account name

IconLogin Control Panel | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconCreating New Account | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPassword Recovery | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconLogin to Web Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconLogin, App Profile Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

account name requirements

account name taken error

account password

IconLogin Control Panel | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconAccount Profile Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

account password recovery

Account Profile

account reporting

account stats

accout data overview

Active chats

add chat button to website

add chat to website

add credit card details

add department

Add live chat code to template

add operator profile

add pre-chat survey field

Add to Sidebar

Adding Live Chat to CubeCart

adjust joomla module settings

affiliate commission

IconAffiliate Overview | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconAffiliate Module in Control Panel | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

affiliate link

affiliate payment methods

affiliate program

agent credentials

agent login

agent password

Agent permisisons

agent permission

agent permissions

Agent's canned responses

agents tab appearance

alert on new visitor


Align logo


Allow IP

AmeriCommerce Integration


Android live chat app

Android live chat app login

animated GIF

IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support

answer call

app appearance

app diagnistics

App Store

appear online

assign operator to department

audio output device

auto accept messages permission



automated chat room closing


available customizations

available profiles

average chat acccept time

average chats per day

average chats per hour

Away mode

away operators

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Away status

IconGeneral App Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconAway mode in agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

- B -

bank account

bank transfer

IconHow to Purchase | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconWire Transfer Payments | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support

banner code

banner image

Bigcommerce live chat

billing contact information

billing email

billing period

billing system

Bitcoin payment

Bitcoins payment

Block IP

block IP from the agent app

block IP restriction

block IP restrictions

Block URL

Block Website


IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

browser-based console features

browser-based console screenshot

browser-based operator console

IconOperator Module Overview | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconGeneral Web Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Bulk agents import

bullet list

- C -

Call Distribution

call to operator

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Called from page link

cancel account

canned messages

canned responces formatting

canned responces grouping

Canned responses

IconManaging Canned Responses | Live Chat Software | User Manual
IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPredefined responses | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

canned responses import

change canned responce

change chat invitation

change chat language

change credit card details

change department

change language

change operator greeting message

change operator profile

change post-chat survey

change pre-chat survey field

change profile

change subscription

change system messages

Chat acceptance rate

chat appearance customization

Chat auto accept permission

chat button code

Chat Button Codes options

IconChat Button Codes WordPress
IconJoomla Chat Button Codes | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Chat Button Display Options

chat button image

chat button image size

chat button offline

Chat button on a fixed position

Chat button on mobile

chat button or link for emails

Chat button position

IconChat window appearance | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChat icon customization | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

chat end time

chat history

chat history area

IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

chat icon

Chat icon color

Chat icon shape

Chat icon size

chat invitation

IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconWeb-based Operator Console - Proactive chat invitation

chat invitation background image

chat invitation disabled

chat invitation doesn't work

chat invitation position

chat messages counter

chat messenger toolbar

Chat referrer overview

chat room

chat room behavior

chat room details

chat room tab

chat rooms number

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

chat start time

chat stats

chat stats access

chat stats interface

chat stats overview

chat stats table view

chat stats timeline

chat tab

Chat transcript sending from chat window

Chat transcript text

Chat Transcripts

Chat transcripts app

IconChat transcripts storage | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChat Transcripts App|Online Chat Manual | Provide Support

chat transcripts delivery

chat transcripts encoding

IconRegional Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconManaging Chat Transcripts | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support

Chat transcripts export

chat transcripts export to Excel

Chat transcripts filters

chat transcripts format

Chat transcripts grouping

Chat transcripts online

Chat transcripts saving

Chat transcripts search

Chat transcripts selection

Chat transcripts storage

Chat transcripts storage activation

Chat transcritps sorting

Chat transcritpss torage

chat trasncripts export

chat window

chat window appearance

IconChat window appearance | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Chat Window | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Chat window color and style

chat window features

Chat window font

Chat window logo

chat window preview

chat window size

IconModern chat window features | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChat window appearance | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Chat Window | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Chat window toolbar

Chat with another operator

chat with operator

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

chats export

Chats load rate

chats reporting


IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Chatting from iPhone

Chatting with other live chat agents on iPhone


choose chat button image

choose chat invitation

choose header image

choose language

choose logo

choose operator picture

choose post-chat survey

close account

close chat

close profile

Closed chats

code for website

code inserting

codes comparison

codes overview

Column chooser

company chat transcripts

Company logo

company offline message

company welcome message

compare consoles

concurrent chats

IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

configure custom subdomain


connection profile settings

consent checkbox


control panel

Convert messages to canned responses

CoreCommerce Live Chat integration

corporate package

country details

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Create a new account from WP plugin

create a new Live Chat account in Joomla

create account

IconGetting Started | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconCreating New Account | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

create canned responce

Create canned responses from the agent app

create department

create invoice

create operator profile

create pre-chat survey field

create profile

create trial account

credit card

credit card autocharging

CRM integration

CubeCart live chat

current page

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

currently in room

custom chat invitation

custom dropdown lists

custom fields

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitor data and navigation | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

custom HTML module

Custom Images Code

IconChat Button Codes WordPress
IconJoomla Chat Button Codes | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

custom live chat domain

custom live chat subdomain

custom offline form fields

custom package

IconSubscription Packages | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconHow to Purchase | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support

custom sound alerts

Custom subdomain configuration

Custom subdomain setup process

Customer details

Customer IP


customize chat appearance

customize post-chat survey

customize sound alerts

- D -

dark mode

Icon Native agent app 7.X.X | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support |
IconAppearance Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

data processing consent

day/night shadow

debit card

decline call

Decline chat

default departments

Default nickname

default operator

Defer chat

Defer chat on iPhone

delete agent's messages

delete canned responce

delete credit card details

delete department

delete operator greeting message

delete operator picture

delete operator profile

delete pre-chat survey field

delete profile


demo operator

department chat stats

department chat transcripts

Department chats acceptance rate

Department performance

Department stats


desktop operator console

Direct chat messenger link

direct connection settings

direct link parameters

direct live chat integration

direct OpenCart live chat integration


disable chat transcripts sending

disable monitoring

disable post-chat survey

disable secure connection

disable SSL

Disabling alters


dismiss pre-chat survey

dismiss pre-chat window

display chat invitation

Display in menu items

Display in single posts

Displaying certain pages


download invoice

download stand-alone console

Drag and drop

drop down list

Drupal Integration


IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

- E -

eastern languages support

edit canned responce

edit chat invitation

edit department

edit offline form

edit operator greeting message

edit operator profile

edit post-chat survey

edit pre-chat survey field

edit profile

edit system messages


email address used error

email contact form

email encoding

Embedded chat messenger


enable chat stats

enable chat transcripts sending

enable images preview

enable monitoring

enable post-chat survey

enable reporting

enable secure connection

enable SSL

Enabling alerts


engage visitor to chat

Enlarge chat window font

enlarge font size

enter message

enterprise package

Error report

events profile settings

Exclude IP

export to Excel

export to text file

- F -

Facebook-style chat messenger




field content

field name

field title

field types

file required error

IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPost-Chat Survey Editing | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

file too long error

file too short error

IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPost-Chat Survey Editing | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

File transfer

IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconFile transfer | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

File transfer from chat window

File transfer limitations

Files manager

finish chat

Fixed Position on Browser Window

IconPositioning Word Press
IconPositioning in Joomla

Forced log out

forgot password

forgot your password

format canned responce

Fortune3 store live chat

free trial

freeze list

- G -

GA4 integration

GDPR compliance

general profile settings

generate invoice

geo location map

geo location map settings

geographical location

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

GetResponse and live chat integration

getting started


IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support

Google Analytics Integration

Google font

Google tag manager integration

graphics chat button code

graphics chat button code with custom images

group canned responces

Grouping by agent

- H -

header background image

IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPre-Chat Window Editing | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Chat Window | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconManaging the Offline Chat | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

header background picture

header image

header image size

hidden code for visitor monitoring

hide departments

hide images preview

hide offline chat button

hide system messages

hide to tray



IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

hook module

host name

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

how billing system works

how to chat

How to log into Android live chat app

how to start

HTML for website

HTML formatting

HTML in canned responses

HTML in system messages

- I -

ignore call


images preview disable / enable

Import agent profiles from CSV

incorrect account name

incorrect password error

Infoming chats

Input area

Input fonts

insert canned response

IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

insert emoticon

insert smiley

install live chat module

install stand-alone console on Mac OS

install stand-alone console on Windows

Integration with CMS

Integration with React.js

Integration with Site123

Integration with tag management systems

invalid email error

Invite another operator on iPhone

Invite operator to chat

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconLive chat app for Android: Operators

invite visitor to chat

IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support
IconWeb-based Operator Console - Proactive chat invitation


IP address

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

IP blocker

iPhone operator list

- J -


Joomla 3 template editing

joomla live chat module

Joomla module settings


IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support


IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support

- L -

language customization

language settings

large subscription package

leave a message form

leave a message window

leave room button

licensing policy

life time license


light mode

Icon Native agent app 7.X.X | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support |
IconAppearance Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

limited account access

live chat 3dcart

live chat and bigcommerce integration

Live chat and CS-Cart integration

Live Chat and Drupal Integration

live chat and Fortune3 integration

live chat and GA4

live chat and GetResponse

live chat and google analytics

Live chat and Google tag manager

live chat and MailChimp

live chat and Woocommerce integration

live chat and WordPress

Live chat and Yahoo small business store

live chat app download

live chat app install

live chat bigcommerce

live chat button in GetResponse newsletter

live chat button in MailChimp newsletter

live chat for 3dcart

Live chat for AmeriCommerce

live chat for bigcommerce

Live Chat for CoreCommerce

Live chat for CS-Cart

live chat for CubeCart

Live Chat for drupal

live chat for Fortune3

live chat for GetResponse

live chat for MailChimp

live chat for osCOmmerce

Live Chat for PinnacleCart

Live Chat for Prestashop

Live chat for Shopify

Live Chat for shopping cart

live chat for Squarespace

Live chat for Weebly

live chat for WIX

Live chat for X-Cart

live chat for zen cart

Live Chat in Prestashop

Live Chat integration for Drupal

Live chat integration for Weebly

Live CHat integration with CoreCommerce

live chat on WIX

live chat opencart

Live Chat Prestashop Integration

Live chat software for CS-Cart

live chat volusion

live chat white label solution

Live Demo

load balanced random call distribution

load balanced round-robin call distribution


IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

log file

log into existing account

Log out agent remotely

Log out remotely


login as operator

login automatically

Login into your account from WP admin

login profile settings

Login to iPhone app

login to operator console

login to web-based operator console


Logo position

logs writing severity

- M -

MailChimp and live chat integration

mailing address

IconContact Details | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconHow to Purchase | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support

manage chats

message field type

message pane

messages font and size


IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

minimize to tray

missed chats

modern chat window

IconModern chat window
IconModern chat window features | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Module Position

money back guarantee

Monitor the whole website

IconAppearance WordPress
IconChat Button Appearance, Joomla | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support


IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Monitoring agents

monitoring doesn't work

monitoring issues

monitoring speed

monitoring website

more than 10 operators package

Most visited pages

MSI installer

multiple accounts support

multiple operator profiles support

multiple websites support

- N -

name field type

Native agnet app

navigation history

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitor data and navigation | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Navigation history in Android app

Navigation tooltip

new canned responce

New Department

new message alert

New Operator

no departments defined error

no operators assigned error

no such account error

IconLogin Control Panel | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPassword Recovery | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

no-script chat button code

number of chat rooms

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

- O -

offline chat behavior

offline chat button image

offline chat window

Offline chat window title

offline for loads

offline form

Offline form loads

offline messages email

offline messages encoding

offline operators

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Offline Settings

on new visitor enter the site

on operator to operator call

on system message

on user message

on visitor call

one time license

online chat button image

Online chat window title

online operators

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

online presence

online presence moitoring

open profile

opencart live chat

opencart live chat integration

OpenCart3 integration with live chat

Operator away time

operator chat transcripts

operator console

operator console comparison

operator greeting message

IconManaging Operators | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Chat Window | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

operator login

IconLogin to Web Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconLogin, App Profile Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

operator logins locked

Operator offline time

Operator online time

operator password

IconLogin to Web Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconLogin, App Profile Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

operator password recovery

operator picture

IconManaging Operators | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Chat Window | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Operator Profile

operator profiles sharing

Operator reporting overview

operator stats


Operators and Departments

operators list

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

operators list settings

operators tab

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

operator-to-operator calls

IconOperators Tab Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTeam tab in the agent app | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Operator-to-operator chats

osCommerce and live chat integration

osCommerce live chat

- P -

parameters in direct link

partner link

party is typing

passing information from your website scripting to operators

passing information from your website to operators


password is too short error

password recovery

IconPassword Recovery | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPassword Recovery Web Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

password recovery email

password recovery error

password requirements

Pay by Bitcoins


payment information

payment methods

IconPurchase and Billing | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconHow to Purchase | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support


pending payment


PinnacleCart and live chat integration

plain connection

Plguin settings


IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support

pop up chat window

Post Chat Survey

post-chat survey customization

post-chat survey results

post-chat survey structure

post-chat survey window

powered by... label

Pre-chat form loads

pre-chat survey Fields

pre-chat survey loads

pre-chat window

predefined messages

Predefined responses

premium live chat feature

Prestashp and Live Chat integration

print transcript button

privacy settings

proactive chat invitation

IconEditing the Proactive Chat Invitation | Manual | Provide Support
IconWeb-based Operator Console - Proactive chat invitation

Proactive chat invitations stats


profile appearance settings

profile manager

profile settings - connection

profile settings - events

profile settings - general

profile settings - geo location

profile settings - login

profile settings - operators

profile settings - regional

profile settings - spelling

profile settings - visitors

Protect chat from abusive users

proxy address

proxy password

proxy port

proxy server settings

proxy user name


purchase custom subdomain

purchase order

purchase white lable chat

Pure JavaScript chat button code

Push notifications

- Q -

quick texts

- R -

raise console

random call distribution

rate support

rate support button

React.js implementation

Real time monitoirng in Android app

real time monitoring

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

real time website monitoring


receive file

redirect visitor

referrals list

Referrals sources

referrals tracking


IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

regional settings

IconRegional Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
Icon Regional Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

reinstall stand-alone console on Mac OS

reinstall stand-alone console on Windows

reject call

remember password

remind password

remove canned responce

remove credit card details

remove department

remove operator greeting message

remove operator picture

remove operator profile

remove pre-chat survey field

remove pre-chat window

remove profile

reorder pre-chat survey fields

reporting period

required field

reseller program

resize text input area

Responsive chat messenger design

retrieve password

right-to-left layout

room details

round-robin call distribution


- S -




search in visitors list

secure connection

select country

select department

select font for chat history

select operator

select operator picture

select state

send chat invitation

send file button

send message

IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

send transcript by email button

Sending canned responses

Sending files from clipboard

Setup Instructions

Several chat buttons on one page

Several chat links on one page

sharing operator profiles

Shift4Shop integration with live chat

Shopify apps store

Shopify integration

Shopify live chat integration

Shopify widget

shopping cart


sign up

sign up for trial

silent installation

silent uninstallation

simultaneous chats

IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

size of chat icon

size of header image

skip pre-chat survey

skip pre-chat window

small business package


sound alert

sound alert playback method

sound on/off button

spell checker

spell checker settings

spelling profile settings

Squarespace integration

Squarespace live chat

SSL connection

stand-alone operator console

Standard Images Code

IconChat Button Codes WordPress
IconJoomla Chat Button Codes | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

standard translation

start chat form information

start console with OS

status autochange

Sticky chat button

submit payment


subscription packages

Supervising agents

suspend account

system message size

System Messages

system overview

system tray icon

- T -


template editing

test alerts

text area field type

Text Chat Link Code

IconChat Button Codes Overview | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChat Button Codes WordPress
IconJoomla Chat Button Codes | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

text field type

text input area

IconEditing the Chat Window | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconMessaging in Operator Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChatting | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

text input area is hidden

third party podule and OpenCart

tiem zone for transcripts

time zone

time zone for offline messages

tint color

to all call distribution

total account offline time

total account online time

Total accout chats

Total chats accepted by an operator

Total missed chats

Total operator chats

Totals for department

Track events in real time

Traffic data sorting

transcripts sending email

Transfer chat in Android app

transfer chat to another operator

transfer file

transfter chat to another operator

translate account

IconRegional Settings | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconTranslating the account | Live Chat Software | User Manual

translate chat window

translate system messages

translation example

tray icon

trial limitations

trial period


type message

- U -

udpate operator profile

uninstall stand-alone console on Mac OS

uninstall stand-alone console on Windows


unknown resource type error

unsupported file type error

IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconPost-Chat Survey Editing | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

update canned responce

update credit card details

update department

update pre-chat survey field

update system messages

updates cost


upload chat button image

upload chat invitation

upload header image

Upload logo

IconManaging Images | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconChat window appearance | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

upload operator picture

upload post-chat survey

user owned domain

- V -

variables in canned responses

variables in system messages

View chat transcripts online

Visited pages

Visitor blocking permission

visitor chat messenger

visitor chat messenger appearance

visitor chat messenger size

visitor details

IconPre-Chat Window Editing | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconManaging Chat Transcripts | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitor data and navigation | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

visitor information

Visitor IP blocking

visitor is typing alert

Visitor Live Chat Messenger

Visitor Monitoring on iPhone

Visitor navigation

Visitor question

Visitors column displaying

Visitors in chat with me

Visitors in other chats

visitors list

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Visitors list appearance

Visitors list in  in Android app

visitors list settings

visitors monitoring

visitors on a world map

visual alert

volusion integration

volusion live chat

- W -

Waitiing chats

web-based console features

web-based console screenshot

web-based operator console

IconOperator Module Overview | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconGeneral Web Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

website monitoring

Website traffif data

website visitors

IconVisitor List Web-Console | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconVisitors List in the Agent App | Live Chat Manual | Provide Support

Weebly integration

White list of URLs

wire transfer

IconHow to Purchase | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support
IconWire Transfer Payments | Online Chat Manual | Provide Support

WIX live chat

WP plugin deactivation

WP plugin installation

WP plugin settings

- X -

X-Cart and live chat integration

- Y -

Yahoo Smaill Business Store

- Z -

zen cart integration

zip entry expected error