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Operators tab


In the Android console you can see the list of operators in online, away and offline statuses and their number of chats:


Operators tab in the console for Android

Operators tab in the console for Android


There are 4 filters available in the operators tab :


1."All" - operators in online, away and offline statuses are shown in this tab

2."Online" - only operators in online status are shown in this tab

3."Away" - only operators in away status are shown in this tab

4."Offline" - only operators in offline status are shown in this tab


How to initiate a chat with a colleague


From the right side menu you can select two actions - call an online or away operator or send an email to online, away or offline operator if email address is defined in the operator profile. If the email is not defined, this option will be disabled, like shown on a screenshot below:


How to onotoate a chat with another operator

How to onotoate a chat with another operator



How to invite another live chat agent to chat


In the Android operator console you can invite your colleague to chat with a visitor. In this case the operator picture will change in the chat window. However, you can either stay in chat and follow or participate in the conversation or just leave the chat room by closing it.


How to invite another live chat agent to chat

How to invite another live chat agent to chat