In spite of all the tech advancements available for businesses today, many still operate under the presumption that their customers prefer the “good old days” of picking up the phone and relying on a human agent for all their customer support needs. While there will always be place for phone in customer service, in reality the majority of customers don’t really want to go back to the “good old days” and call you to get their questions answered.
The infographic below provides some impressive stats drawn from various researches proving that self-service, online chat and social media are becoming the preferred customer support channels for a growing number of consumers. It’s no wonder that customers all over the world increasingly leverage these channels for customer service, as they allow them to get quick, accurate and relevant answers with no need to being put on hold or having to deal with unfriendly agents.
Is your company still ignoring those channels? It might be the high time to revamp your service strategy according to your customers’ needs. If you like the infographic, feel free to share it with whoever you think may find it useful!

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Provide Support is a leading customer service software provider, offering live chat and real-time visitor monitoring tool for businesses: