With the growth in messaging apps and automated bots, live chat is becoming the most popular customer service channel that offers huge opportunities for businesses, from support to marketing. In fact, more and more businesses are realizing today that live chat is much more than just a budget-friendly support channel. According to Kayako research, 79% of businesses say offering live chat has had a positive effect on sales, revenue, and customer loyalty.
Why Do Сonsumers Love Live Chat?
Because they want quicker service, faster resolution and greater flexibility. Live chat offers immediate support with no need to wait on hold: Zopim survey found that it takes a service agent less than a minute on average to reply and resolve an issue. But most importantly, it’s convenient. People can carry on working, shopping, eating or whatever they were doing while maintaining a chat conversation. It’s customer service that perfectly fits into their lifestyle.
Are you still not offering real-time support to your customers? While chat may seem like yet another complicated channel to install and manage, in reality, implementing live chat software is usually easy and can be done in under 10 minutes. The infographic below highlights 12 compelling reasons to implement live chat tool into your business. Can you think of any other reasons? Feel free to share your thoughts with our blog readers!

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<a href="https://www.providesupport.com/blog/12-reasons-to-integrate-live-chat-infographic"> <img src="https://www.providesupport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/12-Major-Reasons-to-Integrate-Live-Chat-into-Your-Business.jpg" alt="12 Major Reasons to Integrate Live Chat into Your Business [Inforgraphic from Provide Support]" width="1200" height="5539" border="0"/></a> <p>From: <a href="https://www.providesupport.com/">www.providesupport.com</a></p>
Provide Support is a leading customer service software provider, offering live chat and real-time visitor monitoring tool for businesses: www.ProvideSupport.com
live chat is becoming the most popular customer service channel that offers huge opportunities for businesses
Chatting is must in any business and this article gives a lot of information about that.
You have raised very valid points in your post. It really happened some person do not have the right idea. But with your awesome tips, one can easily identify it.
After the reading your post i integrated live chat on my website it’s just increase my conversion 3 times batter.
Live chat is one of the most important features available right now to serve customers better. It also includes huge opportunities for the business as well.
This is really great read! Thanks Mary, for sharing this informative blog post about the reasons to integrate live chat into a business, i agree with your points. You are doing awesome work. Keep it up!