There’s a way to do it better – find it. Thomas A. Edison
According to Gallup survey 70% of American workers do not reach their full potential and get stuck at work. In most cases they are emotionally disconnected from their companies and feel they are not heard and noticed. Very often employees invest their time and money in professional development to better fit their positions. However, their effort comes unnoticed and just taken for granted. This in turn reduces employees performance and their desire to improve and grow. “Why should I waste my effort” – your employee will think and continue working without inspiration. Though it may seem that such mood will do no harm to your organization we all know this is wrong, especially if your team deals with customers on a daily basis.
The right motivation and inspiration of your customer service team will help your company to stay ahead of the competition. When your brand is recognized not only for its products quality but also for its superior customer service, this means a lot. There is always a room for improvement. You just need to keep moving forward and find a better way. In this blog post I would like to share five tips that will help you to inspire your customer service team and improve your employees performance.
1. Foster a creative corporate environment
Reward great ideas
Great and fresh ideas are the best contribution to any business. Do not take such ideas for granted, reward your employees for them. Otherwise they will contribute to your competitors. If your employees think out-of-box, offer them a bonus and they will come up with more creative ways of improving your business.
Take advantage of brainstorms
Promote better creativity and cooperation within your team, let your co-workers put their ideas forward and you will see an immediate positive effect of regular brainstorming. If your employees unleash their potential, they will solve issues with creativity and will provide exceptional service to your customers.
Positive working environment
Stressful and depressive environment does not give your employees the mood to think of doing things differently. They will just look forward to the end of the day. On the other hand, if you create an easy-going atmosphere in your office, you will be rewarded by wonderful ideas your co-workers contribute.
2. Allow your customer service team to make experiments and contribute
As I have already mentioned positive working environment encourages team members to contribute great ideas and think out-of-box. If you are not afraid of experiments and new fresh look, let your employees introduce their ideas. Choose the best ones and implement.
3. Inspire your co-workers with business leaders quotes and best practices
Steve Jobs was a true customer experience and user experience thought leader.
You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology – not the other way around.
That’s what Steve Jobs used to say about customer experience. His presentations inspire and encourage to think out-of-box. Here are some recommendations which will help you to inspire your customer service team:
- Share best practices and lessons from business leaders with your team.
- Organize discussions of customer service best practices on a regular basis.
- Consider different types of leadership and choose new inspirational examples for your team to discuss and study.
4. Encourage positive performance
People want to know that their employers understand them and their aptitudes. Those leaders who took time to know their teams better, create the right environment for them and motivate will be rewarded by better performance and gratitude. In customer service positive atmosphere is very important. Smiling team will provide memorable customer experience. And this in turn will help to win more loyal customers who will not only return for repeated purchases but will also share their positive experience among their friends and in social media.
5. Keep your customer service culture alive
What is customer culture? This is not only the way you treat your customers. Customer service culture covers the whole process of customer service. It’s not just about hiring the right people and their training. Customer service culture is about understanding the company’s goals where excellent customer service is set as the main priority.
Customer focused culture begins with people who want to serve your customers right and who understand your company’s goals and mission. Daily line-ups will help you to keep your company culture alive and will also let your team to discuss the main challenges and share best practices.
In the comments to this blog post you are welcome to share your ideas about customer service team inspiration.
Provide Support is a leading software provider in customer service, offering live chat and real-time visitor monitoring tool for websites. Empowering customer service with live chat www.providesupport.com
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