10 Advantages of Real Time Website Monitoring [Infographic]

Today website monitoring has become very important not only for measuring website performance and for engaging new visitors. It helps to understand which pages should be redesigned and improved. In addition to this real time website monitoring is extremely helpful for marketing campaigns. It allows engaging visitors in real time and monitoring the success of online advertising campaigns. Moreover, another advantage is an ability to offer personalized customer service as knowing a location, time zone and device being used is enough to start a friendly conversation. You can find lots of different tools for website monitoring. But you can get this feature as a great addition to the live chat software and implement it on your website for assisting your website visitors. Not sure if your business can benefit from using a real-time website monitoring tool? Check this infographic for details:

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How to take the most out of Real Time Visitors Monitoring

Did you know that with enabled Real Time Visitor Monitoring on your website it’s possible not only to see visitors in your operator console but also to proactively invite them or follow their navigation with a Co-browser? But that’s not all. Would you like to see the content of your visitors’ shopping carts? This is fairly easy with Provide Support Live Chat system! What you need to do is just to use our special code for this – Passing Information Code and generate it for the variables you’d like to pass to your console. And then enjoy viewing what your customers have chosen to purchase in the Custom Fields Column of your console.

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