Creating new account

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Creating new account

How to create a new free trial account


To create a free trial account in our system, please do the following:


1.Open our home page at

2.Click "Free Trial" button

3.Fill out our "Sign Up" form

4.Choose an account name and password and enter them to the "Free Trial Sign Up" form.

 Please note! The password should contain no less than 5 and no more than 20 characters

5.Specify your email

 Please note! It will be used for password recoveries

6.Confirm that you've read and agree to our Terms of Service

7.Press "Start 10-day free trial" button

creating a new account

Creating a new account


When you register a free trial account in our system, it does not mean you should purchase a subscription. You may cancel the free trial account at any time. No payment information is required for the trial, you just need to choose your account name and password.


All information entered during the account setup, such as your name or email address, will be used strictly for account related communication and service running and will not be disclosed to any third parties.


Possible errors


Prohibited characters


Please note that the account name can only consist of Latin letters and digits.


Prohibited characters in Account Name

Prohibited characters in Account Name


Account name is taken


If the account name you would like to use already exists in our system, you will receive a message "Account name "your-account-name" is taken". You need to choose another account name in this case.


Account Name is already taken

Account Name is already taken


Used Email Error


In case you try registering more than 3 accounts in our system for the same email you will get the following error:


Used Email Error

Used Email Error


Please contact our support chat if you need to register more accounts for the same email.


Invalid Email Error


If you received the following error, this means you have made a mistake in your email address. Please ensure you have provided the correct email:


Invalid Email Error

Invalid Email Error


Short Password Error


In case you got the following error message, this means you have entered the password which contains less than 5 characters. Your password should contain from 5 to 20 characters.


Short Password Error

Short Password Error